Group news:
Both graduate and undergraduate research assistant positions are currently available (June 2022). If interested, please send Dr. Wang an e-mail at [email protected] with your CV.
11/2023: Congratulations to Monir and Robayet on publishing their paper on coke forming in a dielectric barrier discharge plasma environment during the production of syngas in Chem. Eng. J. Link
11/1/2023: Roabyet successfully defended his PhD dissertation on plasma-assisted dry reforming of methane. Congratulations!
10/20/2023: Zhen successfully defended his PhD dissertation on Li/Al-sulfur batteries. Congratulations!
6/21/2023: Zephyr successfully defended his MS thesis on TiO2 nanotubes supported Nb additives in Li-S battery. Congratulations!
5/2023: Fellowship - Congratulations to Amir on receiving Alabama Graduate Research Scholars Program Fellowship for the 2023-2024 academic year.
4/2023: Congratulations to Robayet and Monir on publishing their plasma-assisted dry reforming of methane paper in J. Mater. Chem. A. Link
1/12/2023: Fellowship - Congratulations to Zhen on receiving UA Graduate Council Fellowship for the 2023-2024 academic year.
8/3/2022: Yifan successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations!
7/2022: NSF grant - we are thankful to the NSF CBET-Electrochemical Systems Program for supporting our research on Al-ion battery (PI: Dr. Wang).
5/27/2022: Robayet successfully defended his MS thesis. Congratulations!
5/2022: Fellowship - Congratulations to Zhen on receiving Alabama Graduate Research Scholars Program Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year.
1/2022: Welcome new graduate student Amirhossein Mirtaleb to join our group.
12/2021: NSF grant - our group receives a NSF I-Corps grant on cathode additives in Li-S battery.
9/24/2021: Dr. Wang gives a seminar in the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at VCU. Thanks Profs. Wang and Zhao for the invitation.
7/2021: NSF grant - we are thankful to the NSF CBET-Electrochemical Systems Program for supporting our research on Li-S battery (PI: Dr. Wang).
5/3/2021: Sakibul successfully defended his MS thesis. Congratulations!
3/8/2021: Junhao successfully defended his PhD dissertation and will join University of Oxford for his postdoc study. Congratulations, Dr. Junhao Li!
2/2021: Congratulations to Yifan and Junhao on winning UA AARC research image contest awards.
1/2021: NSF grant - our group receives a NSF grant on vehicle emission control systems (PI: Dr. Wang and Co-PI: Dr. Qin).
8/2020: Yifan's work on chemical etching of CeO2 support is featured on the cover of ChemCatChem. Congratulations. Link.
8/10/2020: Welcome new graduate student Sakibul Azam to join our group.
4/2020: Dr. Wang will co-organize two symposiums “Powder Materials for Energy Applications” and “Advances in Powder and Ceramic Materials Science” at the TMS 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (150th Anniversary Celebration), March 14-18 2021, Orlando, FL.
4/2020: Dr. Wang will co-organize a symposium “Materials Behavior & Characterization” at the ASM’s National Meeting IMAT2020, Sep. 14-17 2020, Cleveland, OH.
3/13/2020: Yifan successfully defended his MS thesis. Congratulations!
3/9/2020: Zhongqi successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Zhongqi Liu!
1/21/2020: Welcome new graduate student Zhen Wei to join our group.
1/2/2020: Welcome new graduate student Md. Robayet Ahasan to join our group.
12/2019: Junhao's work on Ru-CeO2 catalysts is highlighted on the front cover of ACS Catalysis. Congratulations. Link.
10/2019: Welcome three undergraduate students (Callie, Siobhan, and Tyler) to join our group.
8/2019: NSF grant - we are thankful to the NSF CBET-PRM Program for supporting our research on catalysis-plasma synergy effect for CO2 reuse (PI: Dr. Wang and Co-PI: Dr. Uddi).
7/2019: NSF grant - our group receives a NSF I-Corps grant on emission control catalysts (PI: Dr. Wang).
5/2019: The “Advances in Powder and Ceramic Materials Science” Symposium is accepting abstracts, which will be held during the TMS 2020 - 149th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 23-27, 2020 in San Diego, CA.
4/3/2019: Congratulations to Junhao on receiving 2019 Richard J. Kokes Travel Award from the North American Catalysis Society (NACS). Junhao will present his research findings on Ru-CeO2 during the 26th North American Catalysis Society (NAM26) meeting (6/23/19-6/28/19) in Chicago, IL.
3/27/2019: Thomas (undergraduate student) gave a poster presentation at 2019 UA Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (URCA) Conference.
1/15/2019: Fellowship - Congratulations to Junhao on receiving UA Graduate Council Fellowship for the 2019-2020 academic year.
8/13/2018: Welcome new graduate student Yifan to join our group.
7/2018: Welcome visiting student Kewei Yu from Nanjing Tech University to join our group.
5/2018: Welcome four undergraduate students (Kristen Boehner, Thomas Foster, Aaron Kaboff, Jarod Robinson) to join our group.
5/2018: Qinfeng Ruan graduates with a BS degree in Metallurgical Engineering. Congratulations!
5/2018: Austin Rogers graduates with a BS degree in Metallurgical Engineering. Congratulations!
4/12/2018: Beth successfully defended her PhD dissertation at YSU. Congratulations, Dr. Elizabeth T. Zell!
3/29/2018: Tofa successfully defended his PhD dissertation at YSU. Congratulations, Dr. Shaikh T. Hossain!
3/2018: Dr. Wang with Prof. Zhenmeng Peng (University of Akron) and Prof. Bin Liu (Kansas State University) will organize a conference symposium “Catalyst Support Materials and Support Effect” at the Materials Science & Technology 2018, Oct.14-18 2018, Columbus, OH. The abstract submission is due on March 31, 2018 via ProgramMaster (
3/29/2018: Austin and Qinfeng presented their research findings at 2018 UA Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (URCA) Conference. Nice Work!
3/2018: Zhongqi gave presentations at TMS 2018 conference in Phoenix.
1/31/2018: Dr. Wang gave a seminar talk in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UAB.
11/2017: Zhongqi and Junhao presented their research at 2017 Materials Science Research Symposium in Huntsville.
10/2017: Beth and Tofa gave presentations at MS&T 17 conference in Pittsburgh.
9/2017: Tofa's paper is published in Applied Surface Science.
8/2017: Welcome new graduate student Junhao to join our group.
7/2017: Congratulations to undergraduate student Samantha Mock on publishing her second first-author paper in ChemCatChem. She will join Ohio University Medical School for her graduate study in the fall of 2017.
7/2017: Congratulations to Akash on winning the best poster award at the 2017 UA MINT Summer Student Workshop.
6/2017: Welcome visiting graduate student, Hauke Georg Schafer, from Kaiserslautern University (Germany) and high school student, Akash Pandey, from Northridge High School (Tuscaloosa, AL) supported through the UA MINT Summer Internship Program.
4/2017: Richa (Undergraduate student researcher) presented her research results at UA Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Conference.
12/2016-3/2017: Three undergraduate students (Richa Lahoti, Austin Rogers, Qinfeng Ruan) joined our group, Welcome!!
9/2016: Tofa's manuscript "Electrochemical exfoliation of graphite: effect of temperature and hydrogen peroxide addition" was accepted for publication in Electrochimica Acta.
8/2016: Both graduate and undergraduate research assistant positions are currently available. If interested, please send me an e-mail at [email protected] with your CV.
8/16/2016: Welcome new graduate student Zhongqi to join our group.
12/2016-3/2017: Three undergraduate students (Richa Lahoti, Austin Rogers, Qinfeng Ruan) joined our group, Welcome!!
9/2016: Tofa's manuscript "Electrochemical exfoliation of graphite: effect of temperature and hydrogen peroxide addition" was accepted for publication in Electrochimica Acta.
8/2016: Both graduate and undergraduate research assistant positions are currently available. If interested, please send me an e-mail at [email protected] with your CV.
8/16/2016: Welcome new graduate student Zhongqi to join our group.